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Inner Critical Voice

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2020

Recognising and taming the inner critical voice is not an easy task - cultivating mindfulness however can help. 

To find out more about this subject, here are some reading suggestions and a guided meditation to get your started.

Article: “Living With, and Loving, Your Imperfect Life”

In a recent article entitled "Living With, and Loving, Your Imperfect Life", Mark Bertin explains the inner critical voice, the impact it can have on daily life and how mindfulness meditation can help us to gain space to respond, rather than knee-jerk react to challenges that arise:

"The Inner Critic is a particularly draining mental pattern. Like a playground tyrant, it’s an unrelenting heckler. It insults and judges mostly without reason—You’re not good enough. You should have done X or Y but definitely not Z again. Why do you bother? You’ll never get it right.

That voice is not about improvement, making amends, or fixing what needs...

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Focus & Decision Making

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2020

In this week’s Mindfulness at Home Zoom session, I will be speaking about how mindfulness can improve our ability to focus and make better decisions. Here are some useful links to explore further:

Meditation Leads to Better Decision Making by the Mindful Team: http://www.mindful.org/meditation-leads-to-better-decision-making/

Three Ways to Focus the Wandering Mind by Daniel Goldman: https://www.mindful.org/three-ways-to-focus-the-wandering-mind/

This week’s guided meditation is ‘Arising Sounds and Thoughts’ which you can access here: https://www.practicalmeditation.co.uk/podcasts/2018/10/2/arising-sounds-and-thoughts-meditation

This week’s poem is The Orange by Wendy Cope:

At lunchtime I bought a huge orange—
The size of it made us all laugh.
I peeled it and shared it with Robert and Dave—
They got quarters and I had a half.

And that orange, it made me so happy,
As ordinary things often do
Just lately. The shopping. A walk in the park.
This is...

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