Mindfulness News

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Mindful Monday Meditation

Join me for the first in a new series of 30-minute mindfulness meditation sessions on Mondays from 7.30-8pm GMT, live on Zoom. 

Each session consists of an introduction to mindfulness, a guided meditation and suggested post-session links for you to further your practice. It's a great way to start your week and build your mindfulness practice.

Everyone welcome. No previous experience is necessary.

£15 inc taxes.

Click here to go to the ticket page and reserve your space.

Hope to see you there! 

*There are a number of free spaces are offered to those facing financial constraints/trainees/pupils/students. Simply email Gill at [email protected]

Must be 18 or over.

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Mindful Life - Am I Doing It Right?

In this week's episode of Mindful Life, I look at some of the difficulties you might encounter when you start to meditate, how to overcome them and how to build your daily practice.

Click here to listen on You Tube.

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#mindfulness #meditation #relaxation #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #wellbeing #wellness 

Find out more about mindfulness here: www.gillianhiggins.co.uk (http://www.gillianhiggins.co.uk/)

Read my book, Mindfulness at Work and Home: https://www.gillianhiggins.co.uk/my-book 

Listen on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast... 

Follow me on Twitter:   / gilliankhiggins    

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Follow me on Instagram:   / gilliankayhiggins  

DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this...

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Singing Bowl Meditation?

This week, tune in to a short Tibetan Singing Bowl meditation on the new Mindful Life podcast, hosted on Spotify.

This meditation introduces the resonant sound of a Tibetan singing bowl which is used as an anchor to the present moment. Click here to meditate.

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Spotify's Mindful Life Podcast by Gillian Higgins

This month, I am launching the Mindful Life podcast on Spotify. 

As host, I will be sharing practices, hints and tips on how to bring mindfulness into your daily life. As many of you already know, coming to mindfulness out of sheer need, my approach is no-nonsense and refreshingly simple. So tune in, sit back...and breathe.

This week, you can find short meditations and a trailer audio as to how I got involved in the practice. 

Check it out here and let me know what subjects you would like me to cover. 

Enjoy and breathe!

Love Gill x


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Mindfulness at Work and Home Published in Israel

Mindfulness at Work and Home has now been published in Israel by Tchelet Books. This Hebrew version has a brand new cover and has been edited by the brilliant Guy Herling. Thanks to all the team at Tchelet.

I think it's time for a trip to the Hebrew Book Fair later this year. Looking forward to meeting some mindful readers and spreading the word in Israel. 

Enjoy and breathe! 

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The Body Scan Meditation

The Body Scan Meditation is a central practice of mindfulness and helps us to connect with our bodies. It is particularly useful when our minds feel scattered. We can use our bodies and sensations that arise as an anchor to our present moment experience which in turn can help to calm the mind.

Try this short body scan meditation recorded by Gillian Higgins and notice how you feel. Click here to begin.

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Autumn/Winter Pre-Recorded Online 8-Week Mindfulness Course

This week Everyday Mindfulness launches the Autumn/Winter Pre-recorded Online 8-Week Mindfulness Course offer. You can find the details of the course here and watch the trailer here.

Ideal for beginners, you can take the course at your own pace with weekly videos, audio-guided meditations, lectures, hints and tips on how to practice mindfulness. Each week, a new theme is explored to explain how mindfulness can make a difference to your daily life. From feeling less stressed to having more self-compassion, from managing your inner critical voice to improving your ability to focus – to name just a few. 

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The Daisy Garland Mindfulness Sessions

Week 5: Mindfulness and Sleep

This week’s theme was mindfulness and how it can help us to sleep better for longer. After exploring some of the common obstacles to getting a good night’s sleep, we looked at several mindfulness practices that can help to calm the body and soothe the mind. I have included a few links to similar practices for you to try this week below.

In essence, the practice of mindfulness helps us to activate our ‘rest and digest’ nervous system and encourages us to let go of worries, thoughts and rumination that often take hold when we want to sleep. As Dr Shelby Harris explains, “Mindfulness can quiet the brain and allow for deeper sleep…It can set the stage for sleep by allowing you to be more aware of your thoughts and to be able to let go of those anxieties instead of getting stuck on them.” She explains that “Strengthening your ‘mind muscle’ through daily practice helps you better recognise the...

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The Daisy Garland Mindfulness Sessions

Week 2: Mindfulness, Paying Attention and More on Self-Compassion

Thank you for joining Week 2 of The Daisy Garland Mindfulness sessions.

This week, we started to look at some of the practical benefits of developing a mindfulness practice, one of which is the ability to improve our focus and attention. 

Many of us experience increasing levels of distraction and an inability to concentrate on any one thing for very long. Exposed to anxiety-creating headlines, worrying about loved ones or simply trying to keep your head when all about you are at risk of losing theirs, it’s no wonder many of us feel unable to focus. So how could mindfulness help?

Mindfulness is often described as a particular way of paying attention: On purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally (with kindness to yourself). Although the definition is simple, putting this into practice in daily life is often a challenge. So how might developing mindfulness help us to focus and pay attention? In essence,...

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