Mindfulness News

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Everyday Mindfulness Drop-In Thursdays

Zoom details will be sent to Everyday Mindfulness course attendees. These sessions will run for the next 6-weeks from 8-8.30pm (UK time).

To find out more and to join the Everyday Mindfulness 8-week course, click here.

To access the course this month at the discounted price of £25 (RRP £99), click here


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Audible Launches Mindfulness at Work and Home

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2020

This week, Audible launched Mindfulness at Work and Home, which I narrated during lockdown earlier this year. I am really pleased to be able to share my book in audio form, particularly given its inclusion of guided meditations. 

You can find out more and listen to a sample here.

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Attention - What is It and How Do I Protect It in Times of Covid?

Last week, I was asked to name one of my personal heroes/heroines. Her name is Amishi Jha - she’s a neuroscientist and associate professor of psychology at the University of Miami. 

Her work over the past decade has helped us to understand more about the brain’s ability to pay attention, the impact of stress and how to grow resilience. In particular, Professor Jha has spent years studying “the forces that degrade and weaken attention.”

In her recent article in Mindful magazine, Professor Jha explains that we are living in “Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous” times - a description she shortens to ‘VUCA‘.  The pandemic has meant that we “are all living in VUCA conditions.” So if you have been feeling overwhelmed or unfocused, struggling with staying on task or overcome with emotion, she reassures us that we are not alone.

So what is attention? Jha explains that our attention system is like a flashlight....

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So What is Mindfulness?

Most of us have heard about mindfulness, but what exactly is it? And how could it help us to navigate troubled times? In this audio excerpt from Mindfulness at Work and Home, due for release later this month on Audible, I explain what it is and how to practise. 

Take a few moments to tune in and find out more. 

Click here to listen.


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Mindful November

To celebrate the launch of the new 8-week Mindfulness online course, Everyday Mindfulness is offering a 75% discount code (£25, RRP £99.99) to law students, pupil barristers and trainee solicitors until the end of the month. 

This brand new 8-week online course explains how to practise mindfulness and start experiencing its many benefits.

Ideal for beginners, the course is packed with weekly videos, audio-guided meditations, lectures, hints and tips on how to practise mindfulness. Each week, a new theme is explored to explain how mindfulness can make a difference to your daily life. From feeling less stressed to having more self-compassion, from managing your inner critical voice to improving your ability to focus – to name just a few.

If you would like to receive your 75% discount code, subscribe to Everyday Mindfulness and email Gillian at [email protected] to request your link.



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Take a Peek at the New Everyday Mindfulness 8-Week Online Course

In the lead up to the launch of the Everyday Mindfulness website, you can now watch my video seminars from the first two weeks of the new 8-week online course. Simply click here to take a look.

Each week, you will learn how mindfulness can help you to feel less stressed, reduce your anxiety, improve your focus, grow your self-compassion and enjoy a greater sense of well-being. You will explore different benefits of mindfulness from managing your inner critical voice to improving your ability to focus, from boosting your resilience to managing conflict.

To find out more about the course, visit the website and get in touch for corporate and personal discounts. 

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Breaking bad habits

In his groundbreaking research, Judson Brewer explains how mindfulness can help us to get ‘up close and personal’ with our bad habits and how this approach can help us to break them.

To watch his TED Talk entitled “A Simple Way To Break a Bad Habit, click here.

In his article, Train Your Brain To Break Bad Habits, Elisha Goldstein explores how mindfulness can help us to get curious about our triggers and how to observe, rather than react to compulsions. Click here to read more.

To listen to a podcast on “Hack Your Brain’s Habit Loops” with Judson Brewer, click here.

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Managing Conflict

Uncategorized May 18, 2020

In Mental Health Awareness Week, the theme of “Mindfulness at Home” is conflict. How can mindfulness help us to respond, rather then knee-jerk react when confronted with a tricky situation? Can ‘taking a moment for ourselves’ really mean the difference between a robust argument and an ugly row?

To further the discussion, here is this week’s edit from Mindful:

The Daily Practice this week is from Elaine Smookler’s article, Being Gentle With Your Feelings in Lockdown

To join next week’s session, register your place by clicking here.


Still Water

We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us, that they may see, it may be, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.


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Uncategorized May 04, 2020

The theme of this week’s “Mindfulness at Home” session is self-compassion. To read more about the practice and the seminal research work of Dr Kristen Neff, see the links below.

Dr Kristen Neff

To find out more about the work of Dr Kristen Neff, click here.


The Transformative Effects of Mindful Self-Compasion by Neff and Garner. Click here.

Self-compassion practices to Deepen Your Resilience by Linda Graham. Click here.

Guided Meditation

To follow a Loving-Kindness meditation, click here.

Mindfulness at Work and Home

To find out more about “Mindfulness at Work and Home” published by RedDoor Press last year, click here.

Image courtesy of Alisa Anton at Unsplash

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Mindfulness at Home

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2020

On Tuesday 5th May, I will be looking at the interplay between mindfulness and self-compassion. What does it mean to be kind to ourselves and how can this help us in our daily lives?

To reserve a space, simply register here:


I look forward to seeing you there!

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