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Practical Meditations

Meditations to accompany Mindfulness at Work and Home.
Also available on the worldā€™s leading, free App, Insight Timer

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The Three-Minute Breathing Space

This practice is aimed at bringing you into the present moment. Step out of automatic pilot mode for just three minutes and feel the effect.


Conscious Breathing Meditation

The conscious breathing meditation practice uses the breath as a point of anchor, a place to return to when your mind starts to wander. A short and effective practice to restore a sense of calm.


Uniqueness of Breath Meditation

This meditation centres on the uniqueness of each breath. Noticing any sensations or thoughts as they arise. The breath can be used as an anchor to the present moment when the mind starts to wander.


The Body Scan Meditation

This central practice of mindfulness meditation helps us to connect with our bodies. We can use our bodies and sensations that arise as an anchor to our present moment experience.


Loving Kindness Meditation

In this practice, let your mind rest in the compassionate phrases you hear, which will be the focus of your attention.


Nature's Sounds Meditation

This guided meditation uses the sounds of nature as an anchor to the present moment. 


Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation

This meditation introduces the resonant sound of a tibetan singing bowl. The sound of the bowl is used as an anchor to the present moment.


Sounds and ThoughtsĀ 


This meditation helps us to understand that we can let both sounds and thoughts come and go, without attachment. In this way, we can gain space to decide how best to respond.


If you have enjoyed these meditations, try our new Everyday Mindfulness 8-week online course. 


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