Mindfulness Courses

Mindfulness courses led by Gillian Higgins, international barrister and mindfulness teacher. Gillian's courses are taught live on Zoom. There is also a pre-recorded 8-week course for beginners to follow at their own pace.

Since 2016, Gillian has delivered courses to individuals, institutions and different business sectors within the corporate world.Ā She has taught management, members of the financial services, judges, lawyers, HR professionals, mediators, clerks, accountants and a wide range of other professionals.

In recent years, Gillian has delivered sessions for Barclays Bank, Women in Criminal Law, Work Culturati, Gray's Inn, Reach PLC, 5 Raymond Buildings, JP Morgan, Simmons & Simmons, The International Criminal Court in The Hague, Chambers of 4 Pump Court, 9BR Chambers, Lincoln's Inn Social and Wellbeing Group, South-Eastern Circuit, Criminal Bar Association, Heartcore Studios, Field Court Chambers, The 36 Group, The Collective, Chambers of 11KBW, University College London, The Wellness for Law Forum, Morgan Lewes and The Daisy Garland Charity.

Get in touch to book your free consultation.

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Three Daily Mindfulness Practices and an 8-Week Mindfulness Log

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