Today is Purple Day!

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2021

On this day, tens of thousands of people across the globe come together to start conversations around epilepsy, raise awareness of the condition and fundraise to make a difference to the lives of those affected.

For the past few months, I have had the pleasure of assisting Sara Garland, CEO of The Daisy Garland, a national charity which supports parents of children with drug-resistant epilepsy. Sara’s innovative work in this field led her to introduce a mindfulness programme for parents and carers.

Each week, parents have come together in our drop-in sessions to learn how mindfulness can encourage us to pause, take stock, take a moment for ourselves and bring self-compassion to the most difficult of situations.

Listening to stories, experiences and the ways in which mindfulness is helping parents and carers, even in small ways, has been both humbling and enlightening.

Given the impact of the pandemic and the incredible tireless work of The Daisy Garland, supporting their mission and raising awareness of epilepsy has never felt so necessary. To find out more, go to:

Photo by I on Unsplash

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